About Us
Chico Parents for In-Person Learning is an 800-plus coalition of parents, grandparents, caregivers and concerned citizens who believe in the power and paramount importance of in-person learning for all school-aged children. We believe that in America today, vast public resources are being committed to fund our multifaceted educational system, and attention should be paid by parents and taxpayers generally to ensure that every child in America receives the opportunity for a fair, equitable, and truthful public education. We believe that public education should be broad, allocating in-person learning hours to all traditional subjects, including Math, English, History, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Civics, Physical Education, Art, Vocational and Foreign Language studies.
Chico Parents for In-Person Learning was founded on August 8, 2020, by two concerned parents who accurately predicted that their local school district board of trustees planned to close Chico schools for an extended period in response to the nominal threats posed to children and teachers by the Covid-19 virus. Within one week the coalition had amassed more than 200 concerned parents, doctors, teachers and service workers of all kinds. Today the “official” sign-up sheet on the ChicoParents.org web page boasts more than 500 families, our Facebook group has more than 700 members, and our Public Facebook Page has just as many Likes as well.
We urge you to sign up and join this historic movement for a better education for all children of Chico Unified!